
20 posts

Very small changes in the peptide sequence alter the redox properties of Aβ(11-16)-Cu(II) and pAβ(11-16)-Cu(II) β-amyloid complexes

Sometimes publishing doesn’t go according to plan…. Our newly published article in J. Electroanal. Chem. was supposed to have been published before the follow-up in ChemElectroChem. We thought it made sense to first study the shorter amyloid and then follow with a study of the longer one. Some review delays […]

The Influence of Coordination Mode on the Redox Properties of Copper Complexes with Aβ(3-16) and its Pyroglutamate Counterpart pAβ(3-16)

Over the last year, Magda has been working with bachelor student Natalia to investigate the redox behaviour of different β-amyloids. In her recently published paper she demonstrates a significant difference in the redox behaviour of copper complexes with peptides associated with Alzheimer’s disease (AD). AD is a neurodegenerative disorder and […]

The spectroelectrochemical behaviour of 1,4‐dimethoxypillar[5]arene (P5A) and its monomer in different organic solvents

Pillararenes were introduced as a novel class of macrocyclig host molecules in 2008 when 1,4-dimethoxypillar[5]arene (P5A) was synthesised. The pillararenes are similar in structure to the better known cyclodextrins or calixarenes and they can also form host-guest complexes with smallish molecules that can fit into their cavities. In a recent […]

Paper‐based electrochemical sensors and how to make them (work)

We just published a review-article in ChemElectroChem on paper-based electrochemical devices. Instead of a classic review of the published literature (of which there are plenty for paper-based devices) we opted to write a more practical guide for what to consider when making your first forays into the jungle of paper-based […]