Martin just came home after visiting the 15th ECHEMS meeting organised by Prof. Gunther Wittstock and Prof. Mehtap Özaslan from the University of Oldenburg. The conference took place in the old spa-resort Bad Zwischenahn just outside Oldenburg. The conference was very well organised and the general scientific standard of the […]
Martin had some part in a new publication in Nanoscale where electrorefining of gold from an ultramicroelectrode was used to deposit nanoparticles on an ITO electode. By changing the deposition conditions the structures could be tailored to some degree for efficient oxygen reduction or to be used a relatively well […]
The results of the latest application round from the Polish National Science Centre were announced this week. It was a good day for our groups, with a 100% application success rate. Wojtek had applied for a Sonata grant that was financed for two years. The title of the project is […]
We just had a paper published in the Journal of Power Sources.* This paper has been a long time coming. It was work started ages ago by Robert and Adrianna. The goal was to make a photoelectrochemical biofuel cell (PECBFC) based on a dye-sensitised titanium oxide nanotube photoanode and an […]
Today Martin officially was given the title doktor habilitowany. His thoughts on that can be found on his private webpage, here. The summary of his habilitation, with the title “Enzymatic oxygen reduction on carbon nanotube modified electrodes” can be read here.
A second paper from Dawid’s visit to Bath was just published. This is mostly the work of Sunyhik and describes a new type of electrode made from carbon microspheres bound together by polystyrene. The electrode is very easy to make and was in this case used as a porous carbon […]
Congratulations to Dawid. The first of two papers from his visit to Frank Marken in Bath just appeared online. The paper is about electrocatalytic conversion of the model antioxidant diphenylcarbinol (DBC) by the mediator TEMPO (2,2,6,6- tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy). In this case the DBC is a solid crystal on the electrode surface […]