We just had a feature paper accepted in Analytical Chemistry with the title “Electrochemical Glucose Sensing: Is There Still Room for Improvement?“. In violation of Hinchliffe’s Rule we answer this question with a “yes!”. However, the point of the feature is to try to point of the areas that we […]
A paper from Magda’s work with a rotating droplet as alternative to rotating disc electrodes for electrochemical measurements in small volumes was just accepted in Electrochemistry Communications. This is a development of an idea from Limoges’s group in Paris, where they used a rotating disc electrode (RDE) to spin a […]
We just had a new paper published in Microfluidics and Nanofluidics concerning the compatibility of some organic solvents with PDMS-based microfluidic devices. In a well-known study (cited ~1600 times) the Whitesides-group argued that how much PDMS swells in a solvent is a good indication of how compatible that solvent is with […]
Annelies Voorhaar, the second INTREPID student Martin is partner for, was visiting the group during a week in the end of June. Her time was spent mostly doing EWOD-experiments with Martin – hiding from the warm Warsaw summer in a cold lab without window. Annelies also gave a nice talk […]
This week Emilia and Martin will attend the 26th Anniversary World Congress on Biosensors in Göteborg. If you are interested in our research Emilia will have an oral presentation on Wednesday at 16.45 about paper-based electrode arrays. Martin will present a poster on Friday (no P3.008). So, please come and see […]
On 20th of April a group of 8 high school students accompanied by their photography professor Weronika Elertowska visited our group in order to prepare a home-made photography paper and learn a bit about what we do. The salt print technique was created in the 1830s by Henry Fox Talbot, […]
A four-year grant for investigation of ion-transfer between immiscible liquids under hydrodynamic control was just accepted by the National Science Centre. Recently NCN declared that each grant application needs to include a one-page popular science description of the proposed work, that will be published when the grant is accepted. The Polish […]
An article was just accepted in the journal Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology where Martin is one of the co-authors. The topic is the creation of 3D cell cultures in different matrices that could be used for assessing nanoparticle toxicity and compared to 2d cell cultures. The matrices used were three […]
We just published a short tip in Lab on a Chip’s blog Chips and Tips. It shows how one can easily remove bonded PDMS from a glass chip, with the help of sulfuric acid, so that the chip can be used again.
A paper with Martin as one of the corresponding authors was just published in Nanoscale describing the formation of a new electrode material of nickel-iron nanosheets on a carbon paper. The material is made by hydrothermal decomposition of FeCl2 and of Ni(NO3)2 in an autoclave vessel. Depending on the ratio of […]