Almost the whole group went to the ISE annual meeting, this year organised in Bologna, Italy. Apart from lots of cool science, many new contact, meeting with old friends the week also included some sight-seeing and a good deal of lovely Italian food. The group presented five posters during the […]
In a paper just accepted for publication in Analytical Chemistry Marta, Emilia, and Martin, together with Damien Arrigan from Curtin University, and our former intern Alexandra Pacowska, show how ion-transfer across the liquid-liquid interface can be studied in a paper-based system. One of the problems when studying ion-transfer between an organic […]
Here’s a short update on what we’ve been doing lately Emilia gave a talk at the Polish Scientific Network meeting in Łódź. Her talk, with the title “Machine learning techniques for neurobiological data anlysis” was awarded as the best talk in the Translational Neuroscience track. Congratulations! The talk is available on […]
It’s been a long time coming, but finally the paper is out. Published in Sensors and Actuators B – Chemical, the work on capturing viruses on silver nanowires started several years ago and went through several iterations and improvements before coming out. The research, which is mainly a collaboration between […]
A paper was recently published in Journal of Luminescence in which Martin is one of the co-authors. The article concerns the synthesis of a series of push-pull molecules that were characterised for their optical properties. Push-pull molecules are molecules with an electron donor end and an electron acceptor end separated […]
Again we had a group of pupils visiting us to make salt prints of photos that were printed in black and white on transparent plastic (like in overhead projectors – if anyone is old enough to remember those). This time the visitors were a group from a primary school here […]
Martin had a small part in a recent paper accepted in the special issue of J. Electroanal. Chem. dedicated to Prof. Renata Bilewicz on her 65th birthday. The paper has a very descriptive title: Hopping mode SECM imaging of redox activity in ionic liquid with glass-coated inlaid platinum nanoelectrodes prepared using […]
Martin had a hand in a new paper in Analyst where again the bulk of the work was done by Kannan. He is very good at coming up with new materials that can be used as electrodes for various sensing applications. In this case the material is a cobalt oxide […]
We just had a paper published in Analytical Chemistry concerning generation-collection electrochemistry inside a rotating droplet. This is a continuation of the investigation of the rotating droplet as a small volume hydrodynamic system that was published last year in Electrochem. Commun. In this paper we generation-collection electrochemistry, meaning that we […]
Martin has been involved in a an education project, under the name University for young explorers, financed by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education aimed towards kids in the age between 10 and 13. In a series of lectures and experiments some students and lecturers at the Institute of […]