After quite a bit of work Magdalena published her research on using the rotating droplet for detection of neurotransmitters. The key point is that by using the rotating droplet, we can perform hydrodynamic measurements in volumes of only a few tens of microliters. Combining this with an electrode modification that […]
In October the new Warsaw PhD School of Natural and BioMedical Sciences [Warsaw-4-PhD] will start. Our group is looking for two motivated PhD students for multidisciplinary project. One combining electrochemistry and optics, and the other combining electrochemistry and biology. More information can be found here.
We’re on a roll. Another cation transfer paper was accepted1, also in Electrochimica Acta. This is work done by Marta and our undergrad student Julia. They were investigating transfer of cations at the three-phase junction driven by reduction of the fullerene C60 and facilitated by the addition of ionophores to […]
Vishwanath’s research on cation transfer at a three-phase junction was just published1 in Electrochimica Acta. This paper looks at transfer of cations driven by a redox reaction in an organic droplet immobilised on the electrode surface. The droplet is small enough not to cover the whole electrode area, so a […]
A new paper using bacteriophages for electrode modification was just published in Sensors and Actuators B. The work was mainly done by Katarzyna Szot-Karpińska in our neighbouring group, but Martin had a small part in the analysis of the data and in the imaging of the electrodes. Here, the bacteriophage […]
This is a bit of a late update, but in the end of last year when the National Science Centre announced the results of the latest application round, a consortium grant lead by Mateusz Śmietana from Warsaw University of Technology was approved. Martin is one of three members of that […]
After long, hard effort we finally published* our research on pencil lead electrodes as electrode arrays in a microfluidic system. This was first intended as an easy-to-assemble system that could be used e.g. in experiments for high-school students or undergrads. However, from that initial, simple idea it turned out to […]
Corrosion is a part of electrochemistry that our group is generally not involved in, although it is a very important area of research. However, Martin again had a small part in a recently published paper*, this time about corrosion protection. Specifically the paper is examining the properties of zinc coatings […]
A paper was recently published in Scientific Reports about atomic force microscopy, investigating interactions between bacteriophages and bacteria. Or, at least, as the title says, between T4 adhesin with lipopolysaccharides from bacteria. This was done by modifying an AFM tip with the adhesin from the bacteriophage T4 and using this tip to […]
Last week Martin took part in the 1st Poland-China Bilateral Scientific Symposium on Emerging Technologies in Photonics and Electronics organised in Shenzhen, China by Prof. Mateusz Smietana from Warsaw University of Technology and Prof. Liyang Shao from Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech). The goal of the meeting was […]