Polish title: Spektroelektrochemia choroby Alzheimera – badania nowej potencjalnej cząsteczki leczniczej
Funding source: Polish National Science Centre (NCN)
Project number: 2021/40/C/ST4/00090
PI: Magdalena Zofia Wiloch
Total funding: 731 366 PLN
Short description
The project concerns research focused on a TDMQ20 molecule which is one of the most promising molecules against Alzheimer’s disease. How does TDMQ work? The hypothesized working mechanism of TDMQ is based on a Cu(II) ion exchange with Cu(II)-Aβ complexes (where Aβ is a different β‑amyloid peptide), a process which also inhibits the formation of reactive oxygen species – ROS. In this project we are going to check electrochemical as well as spectroelectrochemical behavior changes of different Cu(II)-Aβ complexes after adding TDMQ. The research may be a critical step in verifying the efficacy of TDMQ as an active substance of potential clinical importance, whilst also contributing in general to knowledge about the pathology of Alzheimer’s disease
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