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Web profiles: ResearchGate
Research interest: I joined the group led by Professor Martin Jönsson-Niedziółka in January 2019 as a postdoc. I was employed in the Sonata Bis 5 grant (National Science Center Poland) and I was engaged in the study of electrochemical and spectroelectrochemical properties of 1,4-Dimethoxypillar[5]arene (P5A) and its Monomer, which resulted in my first publication in this research group (see List of publications).
In 2020 I received my first grant Miniatura 4 entitled Electrochemistry of Alzheimer’s disease – voltammetric studies of newly discovered β-amyloids. The research I conducted as part of this grant was a continuation of the research I began as part of my master’s thesis and then my PhD. In my research, I would like to connect the two disciplines of biology and chemistry. The technique I have been using for over 10 years is voltammetry. Therefore, I am interested in the redox properties of Cu(II) ion complexes with biologically relevant peptides such as β-amyloids.
Working in science means new challenges but also the opportunity to develop. Since 2021, I have been the PI of the Sonatina 5 grant: Spectroelectrochemistry of Alzheimer’s disease – a study of a new potential therapeutic molecule. Receiving the project allowed me to go to Spain for a 6-month research internship where I learned spectroelectrochemistry (SEC) technique from Professor Alvaro Colina’s group ( Combining voltammetry and UV-vis spectroscopy in one experiment allowed me to investigate the properties of a new potential therapeutic molecule. The results of my collaborative research were described in the journal Bioelectrochemistry.
In 2023, we also started cooperation with researchers at the University of Wrocław on antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) binding Cu(II) ions.
I am very keen to work with students in the framework of summer internships, scientific volunteers and master’s or engineering theses. I encourage my students to actively participate in scientific conferences. During the Sonatina grant, my student received two awards for poster presentations (see our website news
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