
153 posts

Electrochemical reduction of 7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane at the n-octyl pyrrolidone/water/electrode three-phase junction

Continuing our investigations of the behaviour of various redox probes at three-phase electrodes we have just published a paper looking at TCNQ (7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane) in a standard droplet-based setup. The reason we choose TCNQ is that it’s a quinone related to the ones we studied in our previous publication on transfer […]

New student – Elżbieta Jarosińska

From the beginning of September we have a new PhD student in the group. Elżbieta Jarosińska just started working in Emilia’s LIDER project. Elżbieta graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry at Warsaw University of Technology. Her master’s thesis was about development of a potentiometric biosensor for the analysis of arginase […]

Electrochemical Detection of Dopamine and Serotonin in the Presence of Interferences in a Rotating Droplet System

After quite a bit of work Magdalena published her research on using the rotating droplet for detection of neurotransmitters. The key point is that by using the rotating droplet, we can perform hydrodynamic measurements in volumes of only a few tens of microliters. Combining this with an electrode modification that […]

Anodic fabrication of nanostructured CuxS and CuNiSx thin films and their hydrogen evolution activities in acidic electrolytes

This is the latest paper in Vishwanath’s collaboration with his former group in India. In this study, they describe a simple route for direct fabrication of nanostructured copper sulphide and hybrid copper–nickel sulphide thin film electrocatalysts by direct anodization of reactive metal electrodes in sulphide ion containing electrolytes. This method […]

New PhD student – Karthika K V

We have a new PhD student in the group for the last few weeks. Karthika K V just started working in Emilia’s LIDER project. Karthika graduated with an integrated Master’s degree from the Central University of Tamil Nadu, Thiruvarur, India. Her master’s thesis was about “Intrinsically Coloured Fabrics”, which was […]

Facilitated cation transfer at a three-phase junction and its applicability for ionophore evaluation

We’re on a roll. Another cation transfer paper was accepted1, also in Electrochimica Acta. This is work done by Marta and our undergrad student Julia. They were investigating transfer of cations at the three-phase junction driven by reduction of the fullerene C60 and facilitated by the addition of ionophores to […]