
153 posts

Three-phase electrochemistry of a highly lipophilic neutral Ru-complex having tridentate bis(benzimidazolate)pyridine ligands

After a long haul, our paper describing three-phase experiments with a new hydrophobic Ru-complex redox-probe was finally published in Electrochimica Acta. This work is a collaboration between our group and Prof. Masa-Aki Haga’s at Chuo University in Tokyo. About two years ago Haga visited our institute and gave a talk, […]

Paper‐based electrochemical sensors and how to make them (work)

We just published a review-article in ChemElectroChem on paper-based electrochemical devices. Instead of a classic review of the published literature (of which there are plenty for paper-based devices) we opted to write a more practical guide for what to consider when making your first forays into the jungle of paper-based […]

Silver Island Film for Enhancing Light Harvesting in Natural Photosynthetic Proteins

And the next paper in the silver nanostructure series with our neighbours in the Surface Nanoengineering group and the Maćkowski group in Toruń. This time its a review of how Silver Island Films (SIFs) affect the properties of light-sensitive proteins. Here, experiments were done with proteins such as peridinin-chlorophyll-protein (PCP) or the Fenna–Matthews–Olson (FMO) complex, […]