Julia is nearing the end of her 2.5-month internship at Curtin University in Perth. She joined the research group of Professor Damien Arrigan to expand her knowledge of ion transfer measurements between two immiscible liquids (ITIES). At the beginning of March she and Martin travelled to Perth to plan for […]
The conference season has already started. Our long-time student intern Natalia participated in the “I Warszawskie Sympozjum Chemiczne ‘W probUWce’” at the Faculty of Physics of the University of Warsaw. This is a conference organised by the student science club ProbUWka. Natalia won the audience award for her poster entitled […]
In March this year the president of Poland finally signed Martin’s application for a full professorship. The application was submitted to Rada Doskonałości Naukowej (the Council for Scientific Excellence) at the end of April 2023 (just before the rules, and forms, changed on May 1st). After getting five positive reviews, […]
The next paper in Magda’s series of articles on the redox behaviour of β-amyloids relevant for Alzheimer’s disease has just hit the press. Here we have been looking at how the presence of a redox-active amino acid, tyrosine (Tyr), affects the oxidation of a Cu(II) attached to the amino terminus […]
In a promising start to the year, Magdalena embarked on a 6-month research internship in Spain. Her destination: the University of Burgos, where she would delve into the fascinating intersection of electrochemical measurements and spectroscopic techniques. Magdalena’s passion for combining these fields led her to join the research group of Professor Alvaro Conlia, a renowned expert in spectroelectrochemical […]
Our conference post from last year was updated with a few photos.
Measuring CRP levels in blood usually requires sending a blood sample to the lab for an ELISA test. This takes time… the results typically come only the next day. It would be so much more convenient if you could get the result directly in your doctor’s office. In our latest […]
Some papers just glide through review and get published with seemingly minimal effort. This is not one of those! After more than a year being bumped between different journals and arguments with both editors and reviewers it is finally out. The manuscript is Kasia’s brainchild. Her main line of work […]
Our group is open to scientific cooperation, which always brings good results and sometime also good publications =). This time, scientists from the Warsaw University of Technology proposed a collaboration with Magda that resulted in a publication in Dyes and Pigments. The group from WUT is known for the synthesis […]
Maybe consider an alternative to Prussian Blue when measuring H2O2. In a recently accepted paper we investigate electrodes based on manganese dioxide for determination of H2O2 and demonstrate this by addition of glucose oxidase to the electrode to make a glucose sensor. MnO2 is a good catalyst for decomposition of […]