
153 posts

H2O2 Generation at a Carbon-Paste Electrode with Decamethylferrocene in 2-Nitrophenyloctyl Ether as a Binder: Catalytic Effect of MoS2 Particles

Another paper in the series on H2O2 generation at liquid|liquid interfaces appeared in ChemElectroChem a while back. Wojtek is a co-author together with members of the Opallo-group and Hubert Girault from Lausanne. In the paper we describe the use of a carbon paste electrode (CPE) for generation of H2O2 at […]

Compatibility of organic solvents for electrochemical measurements in PDMS-based microfluidic devices

We just had a new paper published in Microfluidics and Nanofluidics concerning the compatibility of some organic solvents with PDMS-based microfluidic devices. In a well-known study (cited ~1600 times) the Whitesides-group argued that how much PDMS swells in a solvent is a good indication of how compatible that solvent is with […]

Flow in a Paper-based Bioactive Channel – Study on Electrochemical Detection of Glucose and Uric Acid

The last remaining publication from Emilia’s PhD studies just appeared in Electroanalysis. Immobilization of enzymes can significantly prolong the stability of an assay, but on the other hand depending on the method chosen, it can also influence the porous structure of the paper and provide additional charge. Having this in mind we […]

Young scientist award

Every year our institute gives an award for the most prominent young scientists among the doctors and phd-students. This is based on the number of publications over the last three years. This year Dawid was one of the laureates in the student category, and Wojtek in the doctors’ group. Our […]

Integrated, paper-based potentiometric electronic tongue for the analysis of beer and wine

A new publication in Analytica Chimica Acta appeared describing paper-based discrimination of beer and wine samples using an electronic tongue. Although Emilia’s affiliation is still from the Brazilian institution UNICAMP it is of course still worth mentioning. This is the second article describing paper-based electronic tongues with electrochemical detection; the […]