Martin had a small part in a recent paper accepted in the special issue of J. Electroanal. Chem. dedicated to Prof. Renata Bilewicz on her 65th birthday. The paper has a very descriptive title: Hopping mode SECM imaging of redox activity in ionic liquid with glass-coated inlaid platinum nanoelectrodes prepared using […]
Happy New Year for all electronic tongue lovers! In the last day of 2017 a new open-access review concerning electronic tongues appeared on MPDI Biosensors website. This invited manuscript aims to not only mention the most obvious applications of sensor matrixes such as the analysis of foodstuffs but also focuses […]
Another article by Vishwanath in his collaboration with his old Indian institute has just been published in Journal of Catalysis. In this paper they have shown a facile method for preparing thin films of Ruthenium ion containing metallopolymers chemically immobilised on the reactive electrode substrate. These electrodes exhibit a remarkable […]
Welcome to our new Bachelor students Julia and Daniel. They are both studying chemistry at UKSW (Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University) and will do their Bachelor of Science projects in our group during the spring. Julia will be studying liquid|liquid electrochemistry under the supervision of Wojtek, and Daniel will be working […]
Martin had a hand in a new paper in Analyst where again the bulk of the work was done by Kannan. He is very good at coming up with new materials that can be used as electrodes for various sensing applications. In this case the material is a cobalt oxide […]
Wojtek had another publication in the series of papers on ion-transfer for H2 and H2O2 generation at liquid|liquid interfaces. In this paper, we continue our studies on hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) at the Interface between Two Immiscible Electrolyte Solutions (ITIES). This time, we have generated hydrogen by using photoelectroactive redox […]
Emilia got a small grant (Miniatura) to develop a bio-analytical platform for multi-site electrochemical monitoring of species such as oxygen and glucose in a 3D cell culture system. 3D cell cultures are postulated to become a bridge between 2D in vitro models and experiments on animals. They provide more natural environment for […]
A few weeks ago, Emilia took part in a Summer School on Neurophysiology for Neural and Biomedical Engineering which was held in Zermatt, Switzerland. The summer school was jointly organized by three universities: Brown (USA), EPFL (Switzerland) and ETH (Switzerland). This six-day program had the goal to bring fundamental knowledge […]
We just had a paper published in Analytical Chemistry concerning generation-collection electrochemistry inside a rotating droplet. This is a continuation of the investigation of the rotating droplet as a small volume hydrodynamic system that was published last year in Electrochem. Commun. In this paper we generation-collection electrochemistry, meaning that we […]
Our group did very well in our institute’s “Young scientist” awards this year. The award is given to a number of PhD students and young doctors (under 35) for their publication record over the last three years. This year both Emilia and Wojtek were awarded in the doctor category and […]