Last week Martin took part in the 1st Poland-China Bilateral Scientific Symposium on Emerging Technologies in Photonics and Electronics organised in Shenzhen, China by Prof. Mateusz Smietana from Warsaw University of Technology and Prof. Liyang Shao from Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech). The goal of the meeting was to present our work to the Chinese partners for potential common research projects. As the only electrochemist in the group photonics and optics researchers Martin felt a little outside the main topics of the meeting, but there was a lot of interest in trying to couple electrochemical and novel optical methods together for improved sensors other applications.
The Polish participants of the meeting were also shown around the labs of SUSTech, Shenzhen University and the Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology Chinese Academy of Sciences. All of these institutions are relatively young, as Shenzhen itself is no more than 40 years, but already high in international rankings. It is extremely impressive to see how seriously China takes the development of world-class scientific institutions and put money where their mouth is. Equipment-wise these institutions are extremely well furnished with top apparatus and laboratory space.