Emilia, Marta, Magda W. and Karthika went to represent our group at the annual meeting of young scientists organized by the University of Silesia in Katowice under the banner Science Beyond Disciplines.
The organization committee did an amazing job! The conference cost was only 40 PLN including a very interesting workshop on the first day, integration parties on both days of the conference, access to a newly build venue, coffee breaks and lunch.
The workshop on the first day concerned TRIZ methodology, which can be applied to elaborate new research topics based on group’s area of expertise, go from research to an invention or more pragmatically to work your way around a patent.

During the second day Emilia gave a talk about multielectrode arrays in form of low-cost electronic tongues and more advanced sensors for 3D cell cultures. Marta and Magda W. presented posters on liquid-liquid electrochemistry and Karthika one on her first results in glucose sensing.
Karthika got the best poster award! First conference and already such a great job!
We surely recommend this conference, great organizing committee, easy going atmosphere, useful and well prepared workshop and plenty of opportunities to meet new people. See You on next editions of Science Beyond Disciplines!