Yearly archives: 2018

18 posts

Malononitrile derivatives as push-pull molecules: Structure – properties relationships characterization

A paper was recently published in Journal of Luminescence in which Martin is one of the co-authors. The article concerns the synthesis of a series of push-pull molecules that were characterised for their optical properties. Push-pull molecules are molecules with an electron donor end and an electron acceptor end separated […]

Preludium for studies of neurons

Congratulations to Ewa who got a Preludium grant in the last round to study “Genesis of dendritic spine head protrusion (SHP) formation”. In the project Ewa will be studying the influence of glutamate on the formation of spine head protrusions using a novel noninvasive electrochemical glutamate biosensor and fluorescent confocal microscopy […]

Hopping mode SECM imaging of redox activity in ionic liquid with glass-coated inlaid platinum nanoelectrodes prepared using a heating coil puller

Martin had a small part in a recent paper accepted in the special issue of J. Electroanal. Chem. dedicated to Prof. Renata Bilewicz on her 65th birthday. The paper has a very descriptive title: Hopping mode SECM imaging of redox activity in ionic liquid with glass-coated inlaid platinum nanoelectrodes prepared using […]