Martin had a hand in a new paper in Analyst where again the bulk of the work was done by Kannan. He is very good at coming up with new materials that can be used as electrodes for various sensing applications. In this case the material is a cobalt oxide nanostructure that is grown through a single-step hydrothermal process on a carbon paper. Depending on the growth conditions we can get either thorn-like structures, as seen in the image to the right, or a more nanowire-like material. Again, we have chosen glucose sensing as the model system. It is a bit boring, but it’s a convenient system to work with.
Kannan has a whole bunch of contacts from his research positions around the world, and the paper includes an array of different analyses performed in different places. This leads to a long author list, with many affiliations.
Apart from assisting in Kannan with the electrochemical analysis and helping write the manuscript Martin also prepared the schematic figure to show the growth process. After one of the reviewers complained that it was hard to read the figure, Kannan opted for a horror pink/red colour scheme instead of the more “natural” metallic grey. At least here the image can be show as it was prepared in POV-Ray. Compare with the SEM-image of the nano-thorns below.