Droplets and bubbles. Electrochemical processes in microfluidics

Funding source: Polish National Science Centre (NCN)

Project number: NCN 2011/01/D/ST4/04182

PI: Martin Jönsson-Niedziółka

Total funding: 629 200 PLN


D. Kaluza, M. Jönsson-Niedziolka*, S.D. Ahn, R.E. Owen, M.D. Jones, F. Marken*
Solid-Solid-EC’ TEMPO-Electrocatalytic Conversion of Diphenylcarbinol to Benzophenone, J. Solid State Electrochem. 19, 1277-1283 (2015). (link)

D. Kaluza, W. Adamiak*, M. Opallo and M. Jönsson-Niedziolka*
Comparison of Ion Transfer Thermodynamics at Microfluidic and Droplet Based Three Phase Electrodes, Electrochim. Acta 132, 158–164 (2014) (link)

E. Rozniecka, M. Jonsson-Niedziolka*, A. Celebanska, J. Niedziolka-Jonsson and M. Opallo*
Selective electrochemical detection of dopamine in microfluidic channel on carbon nanoparticulate electrodes, Analyst 139, 2896-2903 (2014) (link)

D. Kaluza, W. Adamiak, T. Kalwarczyk, K. Sozanski, M. Opallo, M. Jönsson-Niedziółka*
The anomalous effect of flow rate on the electrochemical behavior at a liquid|liquid interface under microfluidic conditions, Langmuir 29, 16034–16039 (2013) (link)

Short description:

This was our first project for investigating ion transfer across liquid|liquid interfaces in microfluidic systems.

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